Daily Archives: 14 June 2015

Rain stopped play

June 14th

Start: above Ballaigues, finish: “La Petite Echelle”
Distance covered: 10,2 km
Walking time: 4 hours 30 minutes
Vertical height:  780 m uphill, 900 m downhill

Sunny at first, but black clouds building up.  I started by descending to the Vallorbe customs post from where I left off yesterday.  Wet grass, no paths, footsore from yesterday.  Then the steep climb up the Mont d’Or (nearly 1400 m high on the Swiss side) along a very “erratic” boundary.  Thunder, then heavy rain.  I soon had enough and was able to reach the main road between Vallorbe and Le Pont.

Night: Hôtel-Restaurant, La Givrine

Photos:  (1) boundary stone 65 in the middle of nowhere on the slopes of the Mont d’Or;  (2) boundary stone 67

IMG_7001C IMG_7003C