Daily Archives: 4 July 2016

A relaxing day?

July 4th

Itinerary:  Silvretta Hut – Scharte – Plattenjoch – Seetal Hut – Alp Sardasca (above Klosters)

Distance:  16,7 km
Temps:  7 hours 5 minutes (plus 1 hour 20 for the stops)
Vertical distance:  1120 m uphill; 1810 m downhill.

There was no guide available today to perhaps do the Gross Seehorn (which would have been very difficult given the amount of snow on the mountain and on the approach).  In fact, there is (soft) snow everywhere above 2400 m, except for the south-facing slopes.

So I left on my own at 6.30 a.m. to a linking col 400 m from the frontier called “Scharte” – not very original (Scharte means col)!  2689 m.  Down the other side (with a short cut) to the path to Plattenjoch, 2728 m, on the frontier this time.  I left some items behind a boulder on the way up to lighten my rucksack.

Unhurried descent to Alp Sardasca, from where a minibus (cheap at 4.45 p.m. if booked ahead) took me to Klosters for a train to Guarda, where I collected the car and found a place to sleep.


1.  View from the hut at 6 in the morning
2.  At the Plattenjoch
3.  Luckily there was a bridge!

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